Final Conference, November 8

The bus tour taking 31 participants around Skåne stopped in Ystad/Saltsjöbaden, Lomma/Bjärred and Helsingborg/Fortuna. Some municipalities as well as other authorities from Skåne, other parts of Sweden and other countries, eg Latvia were represented. Helsingborgs dagblad covered the visit in Fortuna well in an article a few days later.

Final Conference, November 9

Know-how versus knowledge: learning by practice, ie things to know which cannot be learned any other way than through practical projects. A change of focus is needed, from creating knowledge and awareness to creating action and know-how. A testing project like LIFE Coast Adapt is a valuable example.


Understanding was a recurrent word at the conference, eg understanding coastal marine and aeolian processes and sediment transport, subaquatic and subaerial biological processes, aspects of gaining permits, finding equipment and contractors, how to communicate. Some reflections:

  • the unexpected drives learning
  • indications to have asked the right questions
  • opened many new questions and possibilities
  • found good methods
  • experience in collaboration

Powerpoint presentations at the conference session on November 9:

Dirk Jan Walstra, DELTARES - coming, pdf below

LIFE Coast Adapt - lessons learned - CAB, municipalities and Lund University, pdf below

Bradley Goodfellow, SGU - Reflections, pdf below

The final conference program

November 8
November 8

A bus will take us around Skåne to visit some of the test sites, ie in Ystad, Lomma and Helsingborg. The conference includes the bus tour and is free of charge. The lunch is at your own cost.

The pick up and drop off will be just outside Best Western Arena Hotel in Hyllie, Malmö.  


08.20 The bus will be outside BWA Arena Hotel, Hyllie.

08.30 The bus will leave.

09.40 Arrival in Ystad, Saltsjöbaden

10.45 Departure from Ystad

11.45 Arrival in Lomma/Bjärred, lunch (at own cost)

12.45 Departure from lunch venue Bjärred

1.00 Arriving at the site in Bjärred

1.25 Departure from Bjärred

2.00 Arrival Helsingborg/Fortuna

3.00 Departure from Helsingborg back to Hyllie, Malmö

November 9
November 9

The conference is free of charge as well as coffee and lunch at the Best Western Malmö Arena Hotel.

Venue: Best Western Malmö Arena Hotel, Hyllie, Malmö

8.30 Breakfast

9.00 Welcome

9.10-9.55 Dirk Jan Walstra, Director, Deltares, NL, on nature-based solutions

09.55 -10.20 LIFE Coast Adapt actions - lessons learned, obstacles and possibilities

10.20-10.35 Coffee break

10.35-11.15 LIFE Coast Adapt actions, lessons learned, obstacles and possibilities

11.15-11.30 Questions

11.30-11.45 Bradley Goodfellow, State Geologist at SGU,  Geological Survey of Sweden, reflects on the project

11.45-11.55 Interview with Magnus Qvant, Nordic Urban Resilience Institute

11.55-12  Stretch and share

12-12.30 Expert panel discussion with: 

Dirk Jan Walstra, Director, Deltares

Björn Risinger, General director, Naturvårdsverket/Environmental Protection Agency

Mette Lindahl Olsson, Head of Unit for Natural Disasters and Decision Support Systems at the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency / Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap; member of the Expert Council for Climate Adaptation

Conference moderator: Catarina Rolfsdotter Jansson 

12.40 - 14 Lunch